細胞分子遺伝研究室 大濱研究室について


We primarily use algae for research at our laboratory. We aim to develop a system that utilizes algae to produce valuable products, taking advantage of their prominent potential to produce various secondary metabolites. To achieve this, basic molecular genetic studies will be performed using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The vegetatively growing cell has karyotype 1n and easily transformed by Tagging. Making advantage of these characteristics, we will analyze the mechanism how nanoparticle exposure introduce cell mortality using mutant library.

公立大学法人 高知工科大学 環境理工学群 大濱研究室


TEL: 0887-57-2512/FAX: 0887-57-2520

〒782-8502 高知県香美市土佐山田町宮ノ口185

OHAMA Lab. /Lab of Molecular Cellular Genetics

Department of Environmental Systems Engineering,

Kochi University of Technology (KUT),

Tosayamada Miyanokuchi 185, Kochi 782-8502, JAPAN.

